

With her strong work ethic, Filiz has contributed greatly to the marketing team, but also to the other departments. I was impressed with her ability to present new ideas clearly and creatively when she was collaborating with her colleagues, and dealing with the locals and customers. She has also contributed to the creation of a new vision for the retreat center
with impressive presentations and creative ideas, keeping in mind the affordability of each project.

Hermann S.
Manager KP

Filiz has excellent organizational and technical skills that were of great value to the company as she assisted the entire marketing team in moving forward and improving processes. She is very intellectual and has the ability to think outside the box. She also has a lot of experience working within business and marketing which gives her a lot to contribute with on top of her own creativity.

Camilla S.
Marketing Manager KP

J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Filiz lors de sa formation de chef de projet digital en tant qu’évaluateur de son projet. J’ai eu un grand plaisir d’échanger avec elle. Elle fait preuve d'un grand professionnalisme dans le cadre de ses projets. Chaque point est traité avec précision ce qui permet d'avoir des résultats solides. Rien n'est laissé au hasard et la vision globale est son atout principal. Ces compétences en termes de communication, présentation et design graphique viennent compléter la grande polyvalence de Filiz, c'est bien simple elle sait tout faire. Vraiment un plaisir de l’avoir rencontré ! J’encourage fortement quiconque de travailler avec ce talent !

Yvann Z.
Project Manager